December Astrology & Tarot Reading
Welcome kindreds, here is what is on the cards (literally) and in the stars for December.
Astrology for the month ...
Mercury pushes ahead of the Sun and Mars, leaving Sagittarius behind and entering cardinal Earth sign Capricorn. This looks good for the nervous system, thoughts have more gravity and staying power. Mercury also makes a section with Saturn in Pisces the following day, adding another vote for more constructive thinking and communication.
Venus, just before leaving Libra, makes a square to Pluto in Capricorn. Persephone meets Hades in the underworld.
Venus enters Mars’ sign Scorpio on the 4th which initially feels a shame because having Venus at home in Libra has been a balancing goddess gift through all the craziness. However, the first aspects Venus makes there is a trine to direct Saturn in Pisces (December 5th). Two water signs, supporting each other. This looks like an opportunity for some emotional release and healing. If things have felt up in the air - which has been true for me personally - then getting some structure and form back will be helpful.
Neptune turns direct - finally! - in its home sign of Pisces. During Neptune retrograde there’s been a tendency to have illusions and delusions. With its direct motion I am hopeful this means we get the more helpful dreamy qualities of Neptune: Emotional depth and nuance, spiritual connection. With both neptune and Saturn now direct in this sign, the waters are clearing. If you’ve been struggling to get a handle on how you feel this should become easier now. It won’t be obvious straight away most likely, but will gradually be revealed over the coming months.
8th - 10th
Jupiter is activated, first with a trine to Mercury, and then an opposition with Venus. These are Earth/ Earth and Water/ Earth aspects. On a mundane level we could see some volcanic activity. On a personal level I think it looks like revealing and bringing some grace and healing to wounds which have been unattended and festering.
The Sagittarius new moon, Jupiter ruled. I’ll make a video with more detail about this for kindreds so look out for that. Jupiter and Venus are dancing in opposing signs at this lunation, supporting our growth and joy. It’s a great time for planning and visualising for the future. Dream up a bold adventure.
Mercury turns retrograde a day after the new moon. It’s been a great dreaming time, but it’s best to keep things in the idea stages for now, rather than booking anything in or finalising contracts (January would be better for that). I am going to wait until the second part of Jan to set concrete goals for the year.
Sidenote - If you'd like some help with your planning and visioning I've created a workbook for that https://www.jessicaandthemoon.com/products/vision-your-year-workbook-2024
The Sun in Sagittarius trines the north node in Aries giving us a boost of energy and then squares newly direct Neptune giving us a sense of purpose. Dreams must be aligned with who we are and what we have come here to do.
Possibly a frustrating day, when spanners are thrown in the works. Retrograde Mercury trines retrograde Taurus, both in Earth signs. We are gifted a reality check on those dreams which have been coming through. Make them practical, go over the details, it’s not a no, it’s an invitation to refine.
Around the solstice there is some potential for new insight or an emotional breakthrough as Venus opposes Uranus. The Sun moves into Capricorn on the 22nd, meeting Mercury retrograde. We may want to push forward but there is still some unfinished business to attend to first.
Mercury drops back into Sagittarius. Nerves could be stretched. Try to keep lines of communication clear to avoid confusion and upset.
We have trines in both water (Venus in Scorpio/ Neptune in Pisces) and fire (Mars in Sagittarius/ North Node in Aries) signs supporting creativity and emotional connection - passions run high.
Full moon in Cancer with the Sun opposite in Capricorn. A new cycle is beginning. I see the Cancer Full Moon as the womb which births the new year. It is a moment of rich and deep potential.
We also have Mercury, Neptune square and Sun, Jupiter square on this day. Try to avoid conflict (there are some truly difficult situations unfolding in the world at large) and focus on nourishing yourself.
MoonWise Goddess Members I’ll give much more detail about the dynamic of this full moon in a video.
Mercury and Mars meet again in Sagittarius, and also square off against Neptune in Pisces. Ambition is activated, but it needs to be based in growth and what is best for everyone, not simply personal gain.
The end of the month sees Venus leave Scorpio to join Mars and Mercury in Sagittarius on the 29th. Jupiter turns direct on the 31st, just in time for the new year. With both Saturn and Jupiter direct things should feel more settled and hopeful.
Tarot for the Month...
Deck is the Guardian of the Night Tarot (affiliate link).
December sees the energy building from a sense of cooperation and knowledge of self, through the realisation that we need others to feel fulfilled, to the ultimate death and rebirth - so on point for the end of one year and the beginning of the next.
Our task is to work with the flow, focusing on the practical steps we need to take. This involves being curious and taking a playful approach with ourselves. There are adventures to find but we don't need to go it alone. This is not a hero's journey, it is a group quest, the prize is in those connections and the journey itself. It is not all about the destination.
This death card shows us our options. We can remain trapped in what we thought was a safe space, but which has now become a prison, or we can find a way out. If we are brave we can let go of the pain which keeps us safe and small, and emerge as something new, something we can't quite get a handle on yet, but which will emerge as we go through the coming new year.
We have the potential for a fresh start.